Park Hills, KY (1/19/2025): The Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, Inc., release the following statement concerning the suppression of their standing as a Public Association of
the Faithful, effective January 16, 2025 (i.e., date it was placed on the internet in the online version of the Diocesan newspaper The Messenger).
- Honoring our holy founder Fr. Jean Baptist Rauzan, the Missionaries of Saint John the Baptist submit to the decree of our bishop, His Excellency John Iffert. In doing
so, we embrace the words of Fr. Rauzan written in our constitutions under the title Our Submission to the Authorities Established by God: "The Sovereign Pontiff and the Church inseparable
from her visible head, are in our eyes the primary authority. Jesus Christ transmits to us through her the way, the truth, and the life. The Faith of the Roman Church is unchangeably our Faith. . . .
Wherever we go, we reverence the bishops considering them our fathers and our masters. If they disapprove or doubt the efficacy of certain methods used in the missions, we will obey their commands as
well as their counsels. This manner of acting seems not only necessary and wiser but also more fruitful in grace, as happy experience has shown us. For the rest, though certain useful methods be
suppressed, we shall be of good cheer because for us obedience will always be the greatest good."
Park Hills, KY (1/25/2024): Missionaries of St. John the Baptist, Inc., release the following statement concerning Fr. Shannon Collins, MSJB, and Fr. Sean Kopczynski, MSJB, and
the sudden loss of their faculties to perform public ministry as priests at Our Lady of Lourdes Church.