Vocation to Our Community...

Over the last few centuries, an ungodly revolution has attempted to topple Christ the King from His rightful throne and replace the Christian Order with a diabolical chaos. Humanity suffers greatly as a result of this turmoil. A counter-revolution is required that reestablishes peace and order by restoring all things in Christ.


If you are a young, single Catholic man interested in the holy priesthood, the religious life, and in countering the present revolution that is upon us, consider the Missionaries of St. John the Baptist as part of your discernment.


* Community life in a house of prayer and contemplation.

* Active apostolate of preaching parish missions, retreats, and devotions.

* The permanent use of the Traditional Latin Mass and the Ancient Sacramental Rituals.




Vocation Brochure.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.1 MB]

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The Missionaries are now able to accept donation of stocks. Please contact Frederick Doll of Edward Jones to arrange the DTC gifting instructions.

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© Missionaries of Saint John the Baptist